Monday, November 20, 2006

I wanna protest, I wanna let you know that I have a grievance, a complaint, and I am not happy with the state of affairs.
All these people, complaining, whinning, protesting, against what they perceive to be the enemy, the system, the MAN!
They are angry, but so am I.
They want a change, but so do I.
They yell and scream, they cause trouble and riots, while I keep quiet, with my head down, buying my time, for what I don't know, but what else is there to do, what other option do I really have other than trying to tear down a system of governance and control, and build up what?
From this to what?
Who knows, certainly none of these protesters, any of these pseudo-anarchists, these hate-mongers and lovers of chaos.
For there is no truth in their cause, no sincerity in their words, no love in their hearts.
HATE is the seed they sow, and so DEATH shall be the fruit that they shall reap.


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